Departmental Examinations

Students who are interested in taking departmental examinations may obtain applications for such examinations from the Office of the Registrar at any time during the fall and spring semesters, but they must initiate the application process in sufficient time to permit the completion of examinations and the processing of examination results prior to the final deadline for filing course grades during the semester in which they are examined. Applications for departmental course-equivalency examinations are filed with the chairperson of the student鈥檚 major department, the chairperson of the department in which the examination is to be administered, and the faculty examiner.

Students may not repeat departmental equivalency examinations and, except for documented medical reasons or personal emergencies, they may not reapply for such examinations in the event that they fail to keep an examination appointment.

Examinations must be wholly or substantially written unless the nature of the course makes more appropriate an oral or performance examination. Departments may authorize instructors to administer end-of-semester examinations that are scheduled during the final examination period when such examinations are adequate measures of total course requirements. After the student has completed an authorized examination, the faculty examiner must file his or her recommendation for course credit with the Office of the Registrar by the final deadline for filing semester grades.