Suggested 51视频 Pathway for Environmental Science - Environmental Studies Option

For students who entered fall 2015 to spring 2018.

Freshman Year

Fall Semester

Course NumberCourse NameCredits
ENGL.1010 /
College Writing I / FYSH (CW)3
CHEM.1210Chemistry I (SCL), (STEM)3
CHEM.1230LChemistry I Lab (SCL)1
ENVI.1010Environmental Science Seminar (IL)1
MATH.1310Calculus I (MATH)14
xxxx.xxxxArts and Hum. Persp. (AH)43

Spring Semester

Course NumberCourse NameCredits
ENGL.1020College Writing II (CW)3
CHEM.1220Chemistry II (SCL)3
CHEM.1240LChemistry II Lab (SCL)1
ENVI.1020Environmental Problems Sem.1
MATH.xxxxMathematics Elective3
xxxx.xxxxSocial Sciences Persp. (SS)43

Sophomore Year

Fall Semester

Course NumberCourse NameCredits
ENVI.2010Earth & Env. Systems I3
ENVI.2030LEarth & Env. Systems Lab I (CTPS), (QL)1
PHYS.1030General Physics I3
PHYS.1030LGeneral Physics Lab I1
xxxx.xxxxArts and Hum. Persp. (AH)3
xxxx.xxxxFocus Elective23

Spring Semester

Course NumberCourse NameCredits
ENVI.2020Earth & Env. Systems II (QL)3
ENVI.2040LEarth & Env. Systems Lab II (CTPS)1
PHYS.1040General Physics II3
PHYS.1040LGeneral Physics Lab II1
xxxx.xxxxSocial Sciences Persp. (SS)3
xxxx.xxxxArts and Hum. Persp. (AH)3

Junior Year

Fall Semester

Course NumberCourse NameCredits
BIOL.1110Principles of Biology I3
BIOL.1170LExperimental Biology I1
GEOL.3150Environmental Geochemistry (AIL), (WOC)4
GEOL.3070Earth Materials I33
GEOL.3090LEarth Materials I Lab31
xxxx.xxxxFocus Elective23

Spring Semester

Course NumberCourse NameCredits
BIOL.1120Principles of Biology II3
BIOL.1180LExperimental Biology II1
GEIL.3080Earth Materials II33
GEOL.3100LEarth Materials II Lab31
xxxx.xxxxFocus Elective23
xxxx.xxxxFocus Elective23

Senior Year

Fall Semester

Course NumberCourse NameCredits
BIOL.3150Principles of Ecology3
BIOL.3170LPrinciples of Ecology Lab2
ENVI.3010GIS Earth & Envir. Sci.3
GEOL.3190Surface Processes33
GEOL.3210LSurface Processes Lab31
xxxx.xxxxFocus Elective23

Spring Semester

Course NumberCourse NameCredits
GEOL.3310Earth History33
GEOL.3330LEarth History Lab31
xxxx.xxxxSocial Sciences Persp. (SS)3
xxxx.xxxxFocus Elective23
xxxx.xxxxFree elective3
xxxx.xxxxFree elective3
Total Minimum Credits = 120

1Calculus IA + Calculus IB = Calculus I
2Focus electives may be chosen from one of the following areas: Economics, English, Management, Modern Languages, Legal Studies, and Political Science. All courses must be from a single area and at least two must be at the 3000 level or above. See the individual focus requirements below.
3Courses offered alternate years.
4The Core Curriculum Essential Learning Outcomes for Diversity and Cultural Awareness (DCA) and Social Responsibility and Ethics (SRE) are fulfilled outside the EEAS major. See the DCA course listing and the SRE course listing for a full list of classes that fulfill these requirements.

No more than two Breadth of Knowledge courses can be taken with the same prefix. The Core Curriculum courses may be taken in any sequence. Refer to the Core Curriculum policy for further details. You should meet with your faculty advisor to determine how you will meet the Core Curriculum requirements.

Current 51视频 students should use their Advisement Report in SIS. If you need assistance, please contact your advisor.

Restriction on off-campus study:

Be advised that any course taken at another institution must be formally approved prior to enrollment. See the catalog policy for details.

Other courses may be selected with written approval of academic adviser.

Economics Focus

Required Courses (4 courses)

Course NumberCourse Name
ECON.2010Economics I (SS)
ECON.3030Microeconomic Theory
ECON.3150Introduction to Environmental Economics (SS)
ECON.3190Public Finance

Elective Courses (2 courses)

Course NumberCourse Name
ECON.2020Economics II (SS)
ECON.3020Labor Economics
ECON.3040Macroeconomic Theory
ECON.3450Health Economics (SS)
ECON.4990Independent Studies

English Focus

Required Courses (3 courses)

Course NumberCourse Name
ENGL.2220Oral Communication
ENGL.2390Introduction to Professional Writing
ENGL.3910Writing on the Job

Elective Courses (3 courses)

Course NumberCourse Name
ENGL.2490Literature on Technology and Human Values
ENGL.3000Introduction to Journalism
ENGL.3060Intermediate Professional Writing
ENGL.3200Personal and Reflective Writing
ENGL.3210Community Writing I
ENGL.3240Writing 51视频 Place
ENGL.3680Feature Writing
ENGL.3690Reading and Writing New Media
ENGL.3870Introduction to Editing and Publishing
ENGL.4060Community Writing II
ENGL.4080Principles of Technical Writing

Required Courses (2 courses)

Course NumberCourse Name
LGST.3670Environmental Law
LGST.3700Real Estate Law

Elective Courses (4 courses)

Course NumberCourse Name
LGST.2340Criminal Law
LGST.2620Introduction to Business Law (SS)
LGST.3630Corporate and Property Law
LGST.3660International Law
LGST.3830Dispute Resolution
LGST.3860Intellectual Property
LGST.4880Directed Study in Law

Management Focus

Required Courses (5 courses)

Course NumberCourse Name
ECON.2010Economics I (SS)
FINA.3010Financial Management
MKTG.2010Marketing Principles
MGMT.3010Organizational Behavior

Elective Courses (1 course)

Course NumberCourse Name
MKTG.3020Marketing Research
MKTG.4120Global Marketing
MKTG.3150New Product & Service Mgmt
MIST.2010Business Info Systems
ENTR.4630Managing Innovation
MGMT.4150Managing Teams and Projects

Modern Language Focus

6 courses, 2 of which must be at the 3000 level or above, in one foreign language.

Political Science Focus

Required Courses (2 courses)

Course NumberCourse Name
POLI.1010Introduction to American Politics (SS)
POLI.1100Introduction to Politics (SS)
POLI.1120Introduction to Comparative Political Systems (SS)
POLI.1210Introduction to International Relations (SS)

Elective Courses (4 courses)

Course NumberCourse Name
POLI.1250Introduction to Peace & Conflict Studies
POLI.2300Law and the Legal System
POLI.2310Introduction to Political Thought (SS)
POLI.2650State and Local Politics
POLI.3130Electoral Politics
POLI.3140Parties and Interest Groups
POLI.3350Constitutional Law and Politics
POLI.3550Government Fiscal Policy
POLI.3560Public Policy Analysis
POLI.3570Thoreau in Our Time
POLI.3580Global Environmental Politics
POLI.4200Reading and Simulation Experience International Organization
POLI.4450Politics of Repression and Dissent

Last updated: 5/17/2018