51ÊÓƵ Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor Tingshu-Hu

Tingshu Hu

Associate Chair for Undergraduate Programs, Professor

Francis College of Engineering
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Ball Hall, Room 405


Control Systems; Power and Energy

Research Interests

Nonlinear systems theory, control systems with saturation, optimal control and optimization techniques, robust control, control applications to mechanical systems and biomedical systems, control applications to power and energy systems, battery modeling


  • Ph.D.: Electrical & Computer Engineering, (2001), University of Virginia - Virginia
  • MS: Electrical Engineering, (1988), Tong University, China - China
  • BS: Electrical Engineering, (1985), Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China - China


Fluid mechanics, dynamics of multiphase and fluidized-bed reactors, hydrodynamic stability of non-linear multiphase flow systems and pharmaceutical engineering.

Selected Awards and Honors

  • Teaching Excellence Award (2007), Teaching - Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Massachusetts Lowell

Selected Publications

  • Wang, H., Tahan, M., Hu, T. (2016). Effects of rest time on equivalent circuit model for a li-ion battery (2016-July: pp. 3101 - 3106). Proceedings of the American Control Conference
  • Hu, T., Zheng, X., Lu, Z., Wang, B., Liu, X., Yang, L., Zhou, J., Ni, C. (2016). Syntheses, crystal structures, thermal and spectra of two complexes containing bis (maleonitriledithiolate) nickelate (II) anion and di-substituted chlorobenzyl triphenylphosphinium cation. Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic, and Nano-Metal Chemistry, (just-accepted) 00–00.
  • Devarakonda, L., Hu, T. (2015). Effects of rest time on discharge response and equivalent circuit model for a lead-acid battery. Journal of Power Sources, 282 19-27.
  • Devarakonda, L., Hu, T. (2014). Algebraic method for parameter identification of circuit models for batteries under non-zero initial condition. Journal of Power Sources, 268 928-940.
  • Jung, H., Wang, H., Hu, T. (2014). Control design for robust tracking and smooth transition in power systems with battery/supercapacitor hybrid energy storage devices. Journal of Power Sources, 267 566-575.
  • Fassinou, F., Wang, H., Devarakonda, L., Hu, T. (2014). Observer-based method for reduction of dc-link voltage ripple in two-stage boost inverters (pp. 4348-4353). Proceedings of the American Control Conference
  • Devarakonda, L., Wang, H., Hu, T. (2014). Parameter identification of circuit models for lead-acid batteries under non-zero initial conditions (pp. 4360-4365). Proceedings of the American Control Conference
  • Hu, T., Jung, H. (2013). Simple algorithms for determining parameters of circuit models for charging/discharging batteries. Journal of Power Sources, 233 14-22.
  • Jung, H., Conficoni, C., Tilli, A., Hu, T. (2013). Modeling and control design for power systems driven by battery/supercapacitor hybrid energy storage devices (pp. 4283-4288). Proceedings of the American Control Conference
  • Pham, H., Jung, H., Hu, T. (2012). State-Space Approach to Modeling and Ripple Reduction in AC-DC Converters. Control Systems Technology, IEEE Transactions on, PP(99) 1-1.
  • Hu, T. (2011). A Nonlinear-System Approach to Analysis and Design of Power-Electronic Converters With Saturation and Bilinear Terms. Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on, 26(2) 399-410.
  • Hu, T., Jung, H. (2011). Estimation of Magnitude of Self-Induced Oscillations via Piecewise Quadratic Lyapunov Functions. Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, IEEE Transactions on, 58(12) 2872-2881.
  • Hu, T., Zanchi, B., Zhao, J. (2011). Simple Analytical Method for Determining Parameters of Discharging Batteries. Energy Conversion, IEEE Transactions on, 26(3) 787-798.
  • Yao, Y., Fassinou, F., Hu, T. (2011). Stability and robust regulation of battery-driven boost converter with simple feedback. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 26(9) 2614-2626.
  • Hu, T., Thibodeau, T., Teel, A.R. (2010). A unified lyapunov approach to analysis of oscillations and stability for systems with piecewise linear elements. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 55(12) 2864-2869.
  • Hu, T., Blanchini, F. (2010). Non-conservative matrix inequality conditions for stability/stabilizability of linear differential inclusions. Automatica, 46(1) 190-196.
  • Massimetti, M., Zaccarian, L., Hu, T., Teel, A.R. (2009). Linear discrete-time global and regional anti-windup: An LMI approach. International Journal of Control, 82(12) 2179-2192.
  • Dai, D., Hu, T., Teel, A.R., Zaccarian, L. (2009). Output feedback design for saturated linear plants using deadzone loops. Automatica, 45(12) 2917-2924.
  • Dai, D., Hu, T., Teel, A.R., Zaccarian, L. (2009). Piecewise-quadratic Lyapunov functions for systems with deadzones or saturations. Systems and Control Letters, 58(5) 365-371.
  • Thibodeau, T., Tong, W., Hu, T. (2009). Set invariance and performance analysis of linear systems via truncated ellipsoids. Automatica, 45(9) 2046-2051.
  • Hu, T., Teel, A.R., Zaccarian, L. (2008). Anti-windup synthesis for linear control systems with input saturation: Achieving regional, nonlinear performance. Automatica, 44(2) 512-519.
  • Hu, T., Ma, L., Lin, Z. (2008). Stabilization of Switched Systems via Composite Quadratic Functions. Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on, 53(11) 2571-2585.
  • Hu, T., Teel, A.R. (2007). Characterization of Forced Vibration for Difference Inclusions: A Lyapunov Approach. Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, IEEE Transactions on, 54(6) 1367-1379.
  • Hu, T. (2007). Nonlinear control design for linear differential inclusions via convex hull of quadratics. Automatica, 43(4) 685-692.
  • Goebel, R., Teel, A.R., Hu, T., Lin, Z. (2006). Conjugate convex lyapunov functions for dual linear differential inclusions. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 51(4) 661-666.
  • Hu, T., Teel, A.R., Zaccarian, L. (2006). Stability and Performance for Saturated Systems via Quadratic and Nonquadratic Lyapunov Functions. Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on, 51(11) 1770-1786.
  • Hu, T., Lin, Z. (2005). Absolute stability analysis of discrete-time systems with composite quadratic Lyapunov functions. Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on, 50(6) 781-797.
  • Hu, T., Goebel, R., Teel, A.R., Lin, Z. (2005). Conjugate Lyapunov functions for saturated linear systems. Automatica, 41(11) 1949-1956.
  • Hu, T., Lin, Z., Jiang, W., Allaire, P.E. (2005). Constrained control design for magnetic bearing systems. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the ASME, 127(4) 601-616.
  • Hu, T., Teel, A.R., Lin, Z. (2005). Lyapunov characterization of forced oscillations. Automatica, 41(10) 1723-1735.
  • Hu, T., Lin, Z. (2004). Controlled invariance of ellipsoids: Linear vs. nonlinear feedback. Systems and Control Letters, 53(3-4) 203-210.
  • Hu, T., Lin, Z. (2004). Output regulation of linear systems with bounded continuous feedback. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 49(11) 1941-1953.
  • Hu, T., Lin, Z., Allaire, P.E. (2004). Reducing power loss in magnetic bearings by optimizing current allocation. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 40(3) 1625-1635.
  • Hu, T., Lin, Z., Shamash, Y. (2003). On maximizing the convergence rate for linear systems with input saturation. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 48(7) 1249-1253.
  • Hu, T., Lin, Z. (2003). On the tightness of a recent set invariance condition under actuator saturation. Systems and Control Letters, 49(5) 389-399.
  • Hu, T., Lin, Z., Chen, B.M. (2002). An analysis and design method for linear systems subject to actuator saturation and disturbance. Automatica, 38(2) 351-359.
  • Hu, T., Lin, Z., Qiu, L. (2002). An explicit description of null controllable regions of linear systems with saturating actuators. Systems and Control Letters, 47(1) 65-78.
  • Hu, T., Lin, Z. (2002). Exact characterization of invariant ellipsoids for single input linear systems subject to actuator saturation. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 47(1) 164-169.
  • Hu, T., Miller, D.E., Qiu, L. (2002). Null controllable region of LTI discrete-time systems with input saturation. Automatica, 38(11) 2009-2013.
  • Hu, T., Lin, Z. (2002). On improving the performance with bounded continuous feedback laws. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 47(9) 1570-1575.
  • Hu, T., Lin, Z. (2002). On semiglobal stabilizability of antistable systems by saturated linear feedback. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 47(7) 1193-1198.
  • Hu, T., Lin, Z. (2002). Output regulation of general discrete-time linear systems with saturation nonlinearities. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 12(13) 1129-1143.
  • Cao, Y., Lin, Z., Hu, T. (2002). Stability analysis of linear time-delay systems subject to input saturation. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, 49(2) 233-240.
  • Hu, T., Lin, Z. (2001). Practical stabilization of exponentially unstable linear systems subject to actuator saturation nonlinearity and disturbance. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 11(6) 555-588.
  • Lin, Z., Hu, T. (2001). Semi-global stabilization of linear systems subject to output saturation. Systems and Control Letters, 43(3) 211-217.
  • Hu, T., Lin, Z., Shamash, Y. (2001). Semi-global stabilization with guaranteed regional performance of linear systems subject to actuator saturation. Systems and Control Letters, 43(3) 203-210.
  • Hu, T., Lin, Z., Qiu, L. (2001). Stabilization of exponentially unstable linear systems with saturating actuators. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 46(6) 973-979.
  • Hu, T., Lam, J. (1999). Improvement of parametric stability margin under pole assignment. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 44(10) 1938-1942.
  • Lam, J., Yan, W., Hu, T. (1999). Pole assignment with eigenvalue and stability robustness. International Journal of Control, 72(13) 1165-1174.
  • Hu, T., Miller, D.E., Qiu, L. (1998). Controllable regions of LTI discrete-time systems with input saturation. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 1 371-376.
  • Hu, T., Qiu, L. (1998). On structured perturbation of Hermitian matrices. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 275-176 287-314.
  • Hu, T., Qiu, L., Lin, Z. (1998). Stabilization of LTI systems with planar anti-stable dynamics using saturated linear feedback. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 1 389-394.
  • Hu, T., Chen, L. (1996). Gradient approach to H-optimization. Zidonghua Xuebao/Acta Automatica Sinica, 22(2) 145-153.
  • Hu, T., Shi, S. (1995). Continuity analysis of the robust stability radius and an optimization method. Kong Zhi Li Lun Yu Ying Yong/Control Theory and Applications, 12(1) 25-25.
  • Hu, T., Shi, S., Zhang, Z. (1994). New approach to robust design in time domain-on minimizing P] and V]V-1]. Zidonghua Xuebao/Acta Automatica Sinica, 20(2) 129-137.
  • Hu, T., Shi, S., Zhang, Z. (1991). Optimizing a class of functionals related to sensitivity and robustness. Zidonghua Xuebao/Acta Automatica Sinica, 17(5) 596-596.

Selected Contracts, Fellowships, Grants and Sponsored Research

  • Control design of power electronic interfaces for optimal performance of renewable energy systems (2012), - National Science Foundation
    Hu, T. (Principal)
  • ARRA - Analysis of Nonlinear Oscillations via Lyapunov Approach (2009), Grant -
    Hu, T. (Principal)
  • Analysis of Nonlinear Oscillations via Lyapunov Approach (2009), - National Science Foundation
    Hu, T. (Principal)
  • Nonlinear/Switching Control Design for Constrained Control Systems with Application to Magnetic Suspension (2006), - National Science Foundation
    Hu, T. (Principal)
  • Research experience for undergraduates (2007), - National Science Foundation
    Hu, T. (Principal)
  • A Generalized Absolute Stability Approach to Dealing with Saturation Nonlinearities: Analysis, Design and Applications to Magnetic Bearing Systems (2003), - National Science Foundation
    Hu, T. (Co-Principal)
  • A Continuous Flow Centrifugal Ventricular Assist Device (2002), - Utah Artificial Heart Institute
    Hu, T. (Co-Principal)