The History Club is open to all students, including those majoring/minoring in history as well as those pursuing other subjects. Our mission is to foster an inviting and fun way for students who are interested in history to meet one another and socialize. We also seek to help students explore post-graduate educational and employment opportunities. At times, we also host events that help to educate the 51视频 community about historical events and people. The club is student-run, with a faculty advisor to provide support as needed.

Typical activities have included: trips to King Richard's Faire in Carver, Massachusetts; a "History and Hockey" night at the Tsongas Center; sponsorship of a table at the 51视频 Family Day and Fall Festival; a lecture about admission to, and funding for, graduate school programs in History; co-sponsorship of History Hour and/or visiting lectures in the History Department; and the traditional end-of-semester party for graduating seniors.

For more information, please contact:

History Club Student President for 2021-22
Ariella Fleischer

Faculty Advisor
Jane Sancinito