Student Nurses Association (SNA)
The is a recognized student organization that provides socialization, peer support and mentorship to nursing students at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. The SNA is an extension of the National Student Nurses Association (NSNA). All students in the School of Nursing are welcomed to join. The SNA also participates in university events and conducts service projects for the community. This organization is supported by faculty advisers from the School of Nursing (faculty adviser to be announced).
Graduate Student Organization of the Department of Nursing (GSO/DON)
The GSO/DON is a key student organization available for all graduate nursing students. It operates under the constitution of the university's Graduate Student Association. Objectives include facilitating professional and social networking among students and faculty, participating in the annual Graduate Student Research Symposium, appointing student representation to department committees, and orienting new students to the university. The Nursing GSO sponsors lunches and events for students and faculty each semester to allow for meeting these objectives. Officers are elected yearly.
Men in Nursing
The purpose of (AAMN) is to provide a framework for nurses as a group to meet, discuss, and influence factors which affect men as nurses. AAMN is a national organization with local chapters recognized and sanctioned under the bylaws of AAMN. However chapters may have independent bylaws and a separate dues structure. Membership in the national organization does not require membership in a local chapter.
School of Nursing Committees
Students are encouraged to become members and representatives to the following School of Nursing standing and ad hoc committees: the School of Nursing Committee, the Graduate Nursing Program Committee, the Baccalaureate Nursing Program Committee, Faculty Affairs Committee, and the Student Affairs Committee. Students may be elected or appointed by the student body. Terms are for one academic year.
Nursing Students Without Borders
The student organization Nursing Students Without Borders (NSWB) gives nursing students a real-world experience delivering healthcare education and resources globally.