It is important that time be recorded accurately by employees using self-service so that you are paid correctly and are awarded appropriate benefits. 聽Not all Time Reporting Codes (TRCs) should be used via self-service, and there are audits to ensure proper use.

The following is a chart of TRCs and how they should be used. If you have any questions please contact the Payroll Office (978-934-3560).

Salaried Mid-Management and Non-Unit Professionals

CodeDescriptionFor Use by...Comments
ALTAllowed TimePayroll Only
BEVBereavementAllUse in accordance with union contract
CEPCompensatory Overtime PremiumAllGenerated by the System
CESCompensatory Ovt StraightAllUse in accordance with union contract
CLP4Call Back Premium 4 hr minAllUse in accordance with union contract
CTA+Comp Time Adjustment (+)Payroll Only
CTA-Comp Time Adjustment (-)Payroll Only
CTUComp Overtime UsedAll
EPUCWEssential Personnel University Closed WorkedEssential PersonnelUsed when Essential Personnel work regular shift hours during University closing
FSKFamily Sick TimeAllUse in accordance with union contract
HCTA+Holiday Comp Time Adjustment (+)Payroll Only
HCTA-Holiday Comp Time Adjustment (-)Payroll Only
HCTESHoliday Comp Time Earned StraightAllUse to report hours worked on a University holiday
HCTUHoliday Comp Time UsedAll
HNPHoliday No PayPayroll Only
HOLHolidayAllNote: HR Direct will automatically enter; you do not need to record HOL.
HPSHoliday Paid straightAllUsed when working a regularly scheduled workday on a holiday
HS125Shift PayAllUsed when working a regularly scheduled shift by Police on Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's and by Facilities on Memorial Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's.
IAIIndustrial Accd ApprovedPayroll OnlyLeave for approved Industrial Accident聽
IODInjured On DutyPayroll Only
JDYJury DutyAllUse in accordance with union contract
LANLeave Accrued No PayAll
M0500Mean Money Reimbursement $5.00AllSystem generated
NRDNon Responsible DayAllSystem generated; only entered when also reporting additional TRC on same day
NOPNo PayAll
OVPOvertime Premium PayAllGenerated by the System
OVSOvertime Pay Straight TimeAllTo be used to report all overtime, system will generate Overtime Premium
PERPersonal TimeAll
REGRegular Pay SERS EligibleAll
RSVReserve Leave PaidPayroll Only
RTCOMRotating Comp TimeAllEligible only for 5/2 scheduled work rotation
SICSick TimeAll
SLBSick Leave BlankPayroll Only
SNOCTSnow Detail Comp TimeAll
UCLSDUniversity ClosedAllThis code is only to be used on official days that the university closes.

Hourly Staff (non-student)

CodeDescriptionFor Use by...Comments
REEReg Pay Non Teaching Alt RetAllOnly code used for self-service reporting
MONPManual Overtime PremiumPayroll Only
NBONSNon Benefited Overtime StraightPayroll Only

Hourly Students

CodeDescriptionFor Use by...Comments
STYSHStudent Yearly HourlyAllNon-Work Study Student Hours
STYWSStudent Yearly Work StudyAllWork Study Student Hours
SMOVOStudent Manual OvertimePayroll Only