Relevant Links on Lasers
- , Inc., Columbia City, IN, 260-248-8030, Framing, stanchions, etc.
- , AZ, 520-624-1300, Illuminated warning signs
- , Barrington, NJ 800-363-1992; optics, lasers, eyewear, imaging, testing and measurement devices
- , IL, 847-358-2500, IR/UV viewers and cameras
- , Eyewear
- , NH, 800-432-2323, Eyewear, curtains, barriers, viewing acrylic, etc.
- , Inc., PA, 877-663-4277, Alumalite and Econolite for barriers and enclosures
- , Orlando, FL 407-380-1553, laser standards
- , Minneapolis, MN, 888-752-7370, eyewear, barriers, curtains, windows, sheets, etc.
- , UK, 44 (0)1202 770 740, Signs, curtains, other laser safety equipment
- , MN, 800-393-5565 or 651-357-1800, Eyewear, optical coatings, curtains, etc.
- , MD, 866-586-4835, IR detection, eyewear
- , CA, 800-222-6440, Optics, viewers, etc.
- , MI, 800-521-9746, Laser shields and filters, eyewear
- , Logan, UT 435-753-3729, Laser Measurement Instruments
- , OH, 513-271-1568
- , NJ, 973-579-7227, Lasers, optics, tables, etc.
- , RI, 800-343-3411, Eyewear
Laser Barrier Preferred Vendors
- , NH, 800-432-2323, FLEX-GUARD (allowed in fully sprinkled buildings in accordance with NFPA 101)
- ,聽MN, 800-393-5565 or 651-357-1800
- , MN, 888-752-7370
- , OH, 513-271-1568
If you wish to purchase laser barrier curtains from a vendor other than one of the preferred vendors, please contact Radiation Safety prior to the purchase.
The listed vendors are provided for information only. Inclusion does not constitute an official endorsement.