As part of our training programs, we use site specific modules to either bolster or act as a stand alone training for the community we serve. The training modules run through your web browser but if issues should arise please contact the radiation safety officeÌý

Supplement trainings:

Stand alone training:

ACCELERATORSAFETYAccelerator Safety Training

Accelerator Facility safety overview
To certify your site specific training you must complete and sign the site specific training form.ÌýTopic "Accelerator"Ìý

REACTORSAFETYReactor Safety Training

Thermal column radiation safety and proper use (vendors or workers)
Beamport radiation safety and proper use (vendors or workers)
Proper sample removal and handling Ìý (workers only)Ìý
Precautions for Very High Radiation Areas (>500Rad/hr)

Upon completion, The Radiation Safety Office will receive your passing quiz results and will update your training recordÌý

XRAYUSERX-ray User Training

details the hazards of x-ray units with embedded quiz
Upon completion, The Radiation Safety Office will receive your passing quiz results andÌýwill update your training record

URANIUMTHORIUMUranium and Thorium Safe Handling Training

For Uranyl Acetate, Thorium Acetate, Uranyl Nitrate, and Thorium Nitrate users on radiation safety and proper useÌý
Upon completion, The Radiation Safety Office will receive your passing quiz results and will update your training record


General radiation safety awareness for facilities (e.g. grounds, project management, custodial, carpentry, locksmith, plumbing, etc.) Ìý
Upon completion, The Radiation Safety Office will receive your passing quiz results and will update your training record.

Contact the Safety Office