In 2020 the Safe Home Care Project developed a series of fact sheets for the Home Care workforce on managing COVID-19 exposure risks as well as safer practices related to the use of cleaning and disinfecting products - Safe Home Care Fact Sheets
- A printable trifold brochure called Safe Home Care During COVID-19: Tips for Personal Care Attendants (PCAs), Caregivers and Consumers is now available in English and Spanish:
This brochure includes information on recognizing COVID-19 symptoms, a symptom checklist and ways to avoid spreading the COVID-19 virus and other germs that can cause disease.
- The Safe Home Care Project and the Betsy Lehman Center for Patient Safety surveyed Massachusetts home care agencies to assess the impact of COVID-19 in the early phase of the pandemic, March-June, 2020.
- Details of the survey are published open access in the journal Home Health Care Management & Practice:
- A report with highlights of the survey and policy implications for Massachusetts was issued December 2020: (pdf)