With the increasing use of radiation and radioactive material in society, there is a growing need for research and advanced education in the application of radiation in the medical and biotechnology sectors.

Radiation Protection Overview

Gain a deeper understanding of the uses of radiation in the medical and biotechnology fieldswith 51Ƶ's M.S. in Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology, Biomedical Sciences option, Radiation Protection track.

With access to state-of-the-art facilities, including a nuclear reactor and particle accelerator, you’ll engage in cutting-edge research on radiation effects, cancer treatment advancements and safety protocols.

This flexible program is designed for professionals seeking to enhance their expertise in the growing field of radiological sciences. Whether it be how radiation effects cells to yield more effective cancer treatments or novel attenuation strategies to better shield patients from radiation, this degree will set you apart for career success.

The degree program is part of a multi-campus program with participation from UMass Boston, Dartmouth and Lowell campuses.For detailed graduate program information, please contact Mark Tries, Ph.D., CHP, Associate Professor at: Mark_Tries@uml.edu


The M.S. in Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology, Biomedical Sciences option, Radiation Protection track, is a 31-credit master's degree.

For a complete list of courses and academic requirements, please visit the Academic Catalog.

In the sample degree pathway below, please see Track V for radiation protection courses.

For students entering Fall 2024 and after.

Total program credits required = 31 credits (minimum)

Total number of courses required for the degree = 11

Total number of core courses required = 4
Requirement 1 = Core Courses
Requirement 2 = Laboratory and Instrumentation Course
Requirement 3 = Research Project Course*
Requirement 4 = Track-Specific Course Requirements**

Major Required (Core) Courses

Core Courses
Course numberCourse NameCredits
Sub-total Core Credits Required=
Requirement 1 Core Course
Data Analytics & Biostatistics for BME
Biostatistics for Health Data
Quantitative Physiology
Clinical Pathophysiology
Requirement 2Laboratory and Instrumentation Course (choose 1)
Biochemistry Techniques
BIOL.5690Molecular Techniques3
CHEN.5860Biotech Processing Projects Lab3
EECE.5600Biomedical Instrumentation3
EXER.5030Kinesiology Laboratory Methods3
MLSC.6100/6101LClinical Toxicology Lecture & Lab3
NUTR.5650Lab Methods in Nutrition Assessment3
PHRM.6400/6420LPharmaceutical Analysis Lecture & Lab3
RADI.5060Nuclear Instrumentation with Lab3
XXXX.xxxxOther lab course as recommended by the departmental track advisor and approved by BMEBT College Coordinator. Graduate Academic Petition is needed.3-5
Elective Course Choices (Total courses required =7, 21 required credits minimum)
Course NumberCourse NameCredits
Requirement 3 Research Project Course*3
Requirement 4Track-Specific Course Requirements**
XXXX.XXXXTrack Course 13
Track Course 23
Track Course 33
Track Course 43
Track Course 53
Track Course 63

Sub-total # of Elective Credits Required =21

Curriculum Summary

Total number of courses required for the degree = 11
Total credit hours required for the degree = 31
Prerequisite, Concentration or Other Requirements:
* Research Project (3 cr minimum), specific to the student’s track as advised by the college/departmental track advisor, is also required. Students will register for an Independent Study/Advanced Project in the associated college/department. Depending on the departmental track, this may be combined – with additional credits – for the Master’s with thesis option, if applicable.
**Track-specific course requirements
All students shall complete track-specific specialization courses, such that they have completed or transferred a total of 31 credits prior to graduation. Students must meet with the appropriate college/departmental track advisor to select the courses most relevant to the students’ career goals. Specialization courses will help the student attain depth in focused areas.

Biomedical Sciences Tracks

.Cell And Molecular Biotechnology Track – Department of Biological Sciences

Applicants wishing to follow this track must have a minimum of two semesters or three quarters (equivalent of one academic year) of calculus. The Track consists of four to six courses (17-19 credits). Students must complete two core courses supplemented with elective courses from the list below to achieve a minimum of 31 credits total.

Cell and Molecular (One of the following; 3-4 credits)

BIOL.5690 Molecular Techniques (4 cr)1 or BIOL.5190 Biochemistry2 (3 cr)
BIOL.5420 Advanced Cell Biology (3 cr)

Bioinformatics (One of the following; 3-4 credits)

BIOL.5300 Cancer Genomics (4 cr)
BIOL.5320 and BIOL.55340L Genomics + Lab (3 + 1 cr)
BIOL.5892 Crystallography and Structural Bioinformatics (3 cr)
BIOL.5700 + BIOL.5772L Data Science for Biologists in Python + Lab (3 + 1 cr)
BIOL.5062 and BIOL.5062L Bioinformatic Tools in Sequence Analysis + Lab (3 + 1 cr)

Plus any of the following electives to reach the 31-credit minimum for MS BMEBT

BIOL.5000 Professional Experience (3 cr)
BIOL.5062 Bioinformatics Tools in Sequence Analysis (3 cr)
BIOL.5062L Bioinformatics Tools in Sequence Analysis Lab (1 cr)
BIOL.5072 Data Science for Biologists (3 cr)
BIOL.5072L Data Science for Biologists Lab (1 cr)
BIOL.5190 Biochemistry I (3 cr)
BIOL.5200 Biochemistry II (3 cr)
BIOL.5210L Biochemistry Techniques (2 cr)
BIOL.5225 Advanced Topics in Biochemistry (2 cr)
BIOL.5260 Evolutionary Biology (3 cr)
BIOL.5300 Cancer Genomics (4)
BIOL.5320 Genomics (3 cr)
BIOL.55340L Genomics Lab (1 cr)
BIOL.5380 Advanced Genetic Analysis (3 cr)
BIOL.5280 Molecular Biotechnology: Recombinant Protein Production (3 cr)
BIOL.5280L Molecular Biotechnology: Recombinant Protein Production Lab (1 cr)
BIOL.6660 Selected Topics in Molecular and Cellular Biology (3 cr)
BIOL.5420 Advanced Cell Biology (3 cr)
BIOL.5600 Stem Cell Biology (3 cr)
BIOL.5670 Molecular Biology (3 cr)
BIOL.5690L Molecular Techniques Lab (4 cr)
BIOL.5760L Cell Culture (4 cr)
BIOL.5930 Immunology (3 cr)
BIOL.5950L Immunology Lab (2 cr)
BIOL.5940 Immunology II (3 cr)
BIOL.5720 Virology (3 cr)
BIOL.5820 Cancer Biology (3 cr)
BIOL.5700 Data Science for Biologists in Python (3 cr)
BIOL.5772L Data Science for Biologists in Python Lab (1 cr)
BIOL.6030 Colloquium (1 cr)
BIOL.5900 Human Neurobiology (3 cr)
BIOL.5620 Cardiovascular Physiology (3 cr)
BIOL.5630L Cardiovascular Physiology Lab (1 cr)
BIOL.5800 Developmental Biology (3 cr)
BIOL.5810L Developmental Biology Lab (1 cr)
BIOL.5892 Crystallography and Structural Bioinformatics* (3 cr)
BIOL.5945 Host Pathogen Interactions
BIOL.5385 Epigenetics and Chromatin
BIOL.7330 MS Research Project (1-6 cr)
BIOL.7430 MS Thesis Research (3-6 cr)
  1. BIOL.5670Molecular Techniquesmay not count for both the Lab/Instrumentation requirement and the Cell and Molecular Biotechnology Track Core. Students usingBIOL.5670for the Lab/Instrumentation requirement must enroll in BiochemistryBIOL.5190
  2. BIOL.5190Biochemistry is a Pre-/Co-requisite forBIOL.5210LBiochemistry Techniques (A potential Laboratory and Instrumentation course)
  3. Most labs are Pre-/Co-requisites with the corresponding lecture course

I.Medical Materials Chemistry with Thesis Track – Department of Chemistry

Applicants wishing to follow this track must have a minimum of two semesters or three quarters (equivalent of one academic year) of calculus. The track consists of one required course (3 credits), one elective course from a list of approved courses (3 credits) and a minimum of 12 credits of Thesis research with defense

REQUIRED the following course: (3 credits)

CHEM.6310 Medicinal Chemistry (3 cr)

Choose one course of the following (3 credits)

CHEM.5500 Biochemistry (3 cr)
CHEM.5510 Biochemistry II (3 cr)
CHEM.5260 Chromatography (3 cr)
CHEM.5130 Spectroscopy (3 cr)
CHEM.5140 Advanced Analytical Chemistry (3 cr)
CHEM.5800 Advanced Analytical Biochemistry (3 cr)
CHEM.5950 Supramolecular Chemistry (3 cr)
CHEM.5660 Nanomaterials and Nanostructures (3 cr)
POLY.5030 Advanced Polymer Science I (3 cr)
POLY.5040 Advanced Polymer Science II (3 cr)
POLY.5050 Polymer Preparation and Characterization (3 cr)
POLY.5110 Biopolymers (3 cr)
CHEM.5221Solid-State Materials Chemistry (3 cr)
CHEM.6310 Medicinal Chemistry (3 cr)
CHEM.5600 Advanced Physical Biochemistry (3 cr)
CHEM.5700 Protein Biochemistry (3 cr)
CHEM.5620 Biopharmaceutical Development (3 cr)
CHEM.5690 ML and AI in Living Organisms

II.Medical Materials Chemistry with Non-thesis Track – Department of Chemistry

Applicants wishing to follow this track must have a minimum of two semesters or three quarters (equivalent of one academic year) of calculus. The track consists of one required course (3 credits), and 5 courses (15 credits) from a list of approved courses.

Common mandatory course: (3 credits)

CHEM.6310 Medicinal Chemistry (3 cr)

Choose five courses from the following (15 credits)

CHEM.5500Biochemistry (3 cr)
CHEM.5510Biochemistry II (3 cr)
CHEM.5260Chromatography (3 cr)
CHEM.5130Spectroscopy (3 cr)
CHEM.5140Advanced Analytical Chemistry (3 cr)
CHEM.5800Advanced Analytical Biochemistry (3 cr)
CHEM.5950Supramolecular Chemistry (3 cr)
CHEM.5660Nanomaterials and Nanostructures (3 cr)
POLY.5030Advanced Polymer Science I (3 cr)
POLY.5040Advanced Polymer Science II (3 cr)
POLY.5050Polymer Preparation and Characterization (3 cr)
POLY.5110Biopolymers (3 cr)
CHEM.5221Solid-State Materials Chemistry (3 cr)
CHEM.6310Medicinal Chemistry (3 cr)
CHEM.5600Advanced Physical Biochemistry (3 cr)
CHEM.5700Protein Biochemistry (3 cr)
CHEM.5620Biopharmaceutical Development (3 cr)
CHEM.5690ML and AI in Living Organisms

IV.Biophysics Track – – Department of Physics & Applied Physics and Department of Biological Sciences
Applicants wishing to follow this track must have a minimum of two semesters or three quarters (equivalent of one academic year) of calculus. The Track consists of a minimum of 15 course credits and 6 credits of MS Thesis research, which may be combined with Requirement 3 above. Students must complete three core courses supplemented with elective courses from the list below.

Common mandatory course*

BIOL.5410 Topics in Cell Biology (3 cr)

Cell and Molecular Biology (Choose one of the following; 3-4 credits)*
BIOL.5690 Molecular Techniques (4 cr)1 or
BIOL.5190Biochemistry2 (3 cr)
BIOL.5420 Advanced Cell Biology (3 cr)
BIOL.5670 Molecular Biology (3 cr)
Bioinformatics (Choose one of the following; 3-4 credits)*
BIOL.5300 Cancer Genomics (4 credits)
BIOL.5320 + BIOL.5340L Genomics + Lab (3 + 1 credits)
BIOL.5892Crystallography and Structural Bioinformatics (3 cr)
BIOL.5700 + BIOL.5772L Data Science for Biologists in Python + Lab (3 + 1 cr)
BIOL.5062 + BIOL.5062LBioinformatics Tools in Sequence Analysis + Lab (3 + 1)

Select 6 credits from the following
BIOL.5090 Photobiology (3 cr)
BIOL.5820 Cancer Biology (3 cr)
BIOL.5900 Human Neurobiology (3 cr)
BIOL.5490L Biology of Muscle and Lab (4 cr)
BIOL.5820 Cancer Biology (3 cr)
BMEN.5110 Tissue Engineering (3 cr)
BMEN.5305Biomechanics (3 cr)
BMEN.5325 Biofluid Mechanics (3 cr)
PHYS.5130 Mechanics (3 cr)
PHYS.5210 Statistical Thermodynamics (3 cr)
PHYS.5530Electromagnetism I (3 cr)
PHYS.5630Computational Methods in Physics (3 cr)
PHYS.5540Electromagnetism II (3 cr)
PHYS.5960/70 Biomedical Imaging and Sensing Lab (3 + 1)
POLY.5110 Biopolymers (3 cr)
RADI.5060 Nuclear Instrumentation with Lab (3 cr)
RADI.5620 Radiation Biology (3 cr)
RADI.6060 Monte Carlo Simulation of Radiation Transport (3 cr)
BIOL.XXX Molecular motors in the cytoskeleton – New course
PHYS.ZZZ Physics of Cancer – New course
  1. BIOL.5670Molecular Techniques may not count for both the BMEBT Lab/Instrumentation requirement and the Biophysics track requirement. Students usingBIOL.5670for the Lab/Instrumentation requirement must enroll in BiochemistryBIOL.5190
  2. BIOL.5190 Biochemistry is a Pre-/Co-requisite for BIOL.5210L Biochemistry Techniques (A potential Laboratory and Instrumentation course.)

    * Students who have taken these or equivalent courses can select an elective instead.

V.Radiation Protection Track – Department of Physics & Applied Physics

Applicants wishing to follow this track must have a minimum of two semesters or three quarters (equivalent of one academic year) of calculus. Select a minimum of 18 credits from the following courses, with the approval of the advisor:

RADI.5010LRadiation Safety and Control I (3 + 1 cr)
RADI.5020LRadiation Safety and Control II (3 + 1 cr)
RADI.5060Nuclear Instrumentation with Lab (3 cr)
RADI.5240Environmental Health Physics (3 cr)
RADI.5330External Radiation Dosimetry and Shielding (3 cr)
RADI.5340Internal Radiation Dosimetry and Bioassay (3 cr)
RADI.5410Radiochemistry (3 cr)
RADI.5620Radiation Biology (3 cr)
RADI.5820Numerical Methods in Radiological Science * (3 cr)
RADI.6050Radiation Interactions and Transport * (3 cr)
RADI.6060Monte Carlo Simulation of Radiation Transport * (3 cr)

* May be petitioned to replaceBMEN.5810in Requirement 1

V.Kinesiology non-thesis and thesis track- Department of Physical Therapy & Kinesiology

Core Course Requirements (13 credits)

The core courses provide a common foundation for all students, whether from life science, physical science, or engineering backgrounds. Core requirements are divided into three categories. The college/departmental track advisor must approve all course selections.

Requirement 1. Common BMEBT Courses (7 credits)

BMBT.5200Bioethics (1 cr)
PUBH.5770Biostatistics for Health Data (3 cr)
BMEN.5210Quantitative Physiology (3 cr)

Requirement 2. Laboratory and instrumentation course (3 credits)

EXER.5030Kinesiology Laboratory Methods (3 cr)

Requirement 3. Research project course (3 credit)

DPTH.6430Evidence Directed Care (3 cr)

Track-specific course requirements (minimum of 18 credits)

All students shall complete track-specific specialization courses, such that they have completed or transferred a total of 31 credits prior to graduation. Students must meet with the appropriate college/departmental track advisor to select the courses most relevant to the students’ career goals. Specialization courses will help the student attain depth in focused areas. Students pursuing the Kinesiology Track will need to complete coursework from the following list of courses.

Required PTK courses (9 credits)

EXER.6010Topics in Human Movement Sciences (3 cr)
EXER.6020Advanced Exercise Physiology (3 cr)
DPTH.6160Research Method (3 cr)

Elective PTK courses (9 credits)

EXER.4250/5010Clinical Exercise Physiology (3 cr)
EXER.4300/5020Exercise is Medicine (3 cr)
EXER.6110Advanced Motor Learning, Control and Performance (3 cr)
EXER.6120Principles of Human Performance (3 cr)
EXER.6130Physical Activity Assessment and Promotion (3 cr)
DPTH.6020Neuroanatomy (3 cr)
DPTH.6040Neurophysiology (3 cr)
DPTH.6120Cardiopulmonary PT (3 cr)
BMBT.7200Independent Study (3 cr)
* Other non-PTK courses approved by advisor/program director

Thesis students only (6 credits)

DPTH.6290Directed Research

Last Updated 5/24/24

Why study Radiological Sciences at 51Ƶ?

Student working in reactor.

Scholarship Opportunities

We award roughly $30,000 per year in scholarships, directly for Radiological Sciences students.

Student using remote manipulators in the reactor hot cell

Paid Experiential Learning

Advance your skills and earn income through paid experiential learning through our laboratories or external partners.

51Ƶ's quantitative radio chemistry lab set up for analytical and separations chemistry

Advanced Radiation Research Assets

Various opportunities for research and professional development are possible through the use of our research assets.

  • 1 million watt nuclear reactor
  • 5.5 million volt particle accelerator
  • Nuclear forensics and radiochemistry facility
  • Radiation imaging suite
  • Neutron activation analysis lab
Chemical/Nuclear Engineering student working in reactor.

Workforce Shortages

Over the last few decades the Radiological Sciences field has seen a drastic decline of the workforce while the use of radiation continues to increase.

This has resulted in many opportunities for our trained Health Physicists working in the radiation protection sectors across the globe.

Career Outlook

Our graduates are typically offered well-paying jobs upon graduation or even before they graduateas radiation safety professionals in:

  • Hospitals
  • Biotechnology companies
  • National laboratories
  • Consulting firms
  • Radiopharmaceuticals production
  • Universities
  • Government agencies

Tuition and Admissions

Eligible students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to be considered for financial assistance.

As a graduate student, you may qualify for federal student aid and other need-based scholarships. To be considered for financial assistance, you must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).Learn more at 51Ƶ Graduate Aid.

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is available to U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and certain eligible non-citizens. Please visitFinancial Aidif you have questions about your eligibility.

Kennedy College of Sciences master’s and doctoral applicants must submit:

  1. An application
  2. An application fee
  3. A statement of purpose
  4. Letters of recommendation
  5. Official transcripts
  6. Official test score report (required for some programs, waiver form available)

Note, all required materials must be received before the application package can be evaluated.If you need to introduce new references or add other supporting documents, log on to your application, click on “Program Materials” to update your application. Please note the new documents and references will be considered only if your application has not been reviewed for admission.

Chemistry and Polymer Science Ph.D. Applicants: All required documents must be received by the Office of Graduate Admissions by Feb. 15 to receive full consideration for Fall semester acceptance. Applications completed after this deadline will be considered for acceptance in the subsequent semester.

International Students: please see the additional application requirements.

Bachelor's to Master's Students: You will not need to apply via the application portal, Visit the page to learn about the process to transition to your desired master's program.

1. Online Application application

Applications are only being accepted using the online process. Instructions are included in the online application link.

Tips for accessing and completing the online application:

  • Capitalize your proper name.
  • Once the form is submitted, changes can only be made by calling the Office of Graduate Admissions at 978-934-2390.

app-fee 2. Application Fees

The application fee is $50 for each application and is non-refundable. Applications will not be processed until this fee is received or application fee waiver has been approved and delivered to the Office of Graduate Admissions.

3. Statement of Purpose statement

In a separate document, submit a brief statement indicating your immediate and long-range goals, relevant work history, academic honors/awards received, any teaching experience and/or research conducted/published that may be pertinent to your graduate program. Two page recommended maximum.

Note: If you are applying to more than one program, you will need to submit a program-specific statement of purpose with each application package.

4. Letters of Recommendation recommendation

Master's applicants need to submit two (2) letters of recommendation except Medical Physics applicants which requires three (3) letters of recommendation. Doctoral applicants will be asked to submit three letters of recommendation. You will be asked to provide (names and email addresses) referees during the application process, and that an automated request will be sent out after the completion of your application. Alternatively, you may use the graduate admissions recommendation form (pdf) to request letters of recommendations.

Recommendations should be from instructors who have taught you, ideally in the field to which you are applying. Recommendations may also be from employers or supervisors who are in a position to compare your performance to that of your peers. Please use the recommendation form for these.

5. Official Transcripts transcripts

Provide a complete and official transcript from the institution that awarded or will award you a bachelor’s degree. You may also include transcripts from other institutions at which you have taken relevant coursework. Please note that waiting for additional transcripts may delay review of your application.

Transcripts should be sent in sealed and signed envelopes mailed to the Office of Graduate Admissions. If you received your degree from 51Ƶ, it is not necessary for you to request a transcript, we are able to provide one for you.

51Ƶ Graduate Admissions
GPS Center
839 Merrimack Street, 2nd Floor
Lowell, MA 01854-3941

International transcripts that do not clearly indicate to the Office of Graduate Admissions that you have received a four-year bachelor’s degree, the equivalent of an American bachelor's degree must be demonstrated before an application will be processed. Please note, the Office of Graduate Admissions reserves the right to have any application credential evaluated. Baccalaureate verification may be obtained for a fee at:

Center for Educational Documentation, Inc.
P.O. Box 170116
Boston, MA 02117
Telephone: 617-338-7171
Fax: 617-338-7101

test-score 6. Official Test Score Report(s) (waived for most programs)

If your program requires one or more test scores reports, request that the appropriate agency send an official test score report for the GRE or GMAT to the Office of Graduate Admissions. 51Ƶ’s school code is 3911.

These programs require official test scores:

  • MS Computer Science
  • Ph.D. Computer Science
  • Medical Physics
  • Radiological Sciences

Get more information about standardized tests.

Some master's programs will waive the test score requirements under certain conditions.

Further information is available on the GRE/GMAT/MAT Waiver Forms webpage.

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800-656-4723 (U.S. Students)
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