To schedule a first appointment with a clinician at Counseling Services, call 978-934-6800 to speak with one of our friendly staff. First appointments are only scheduled for the same day or next business day. Students are encouraged to call as early as possible in the morning to have the greatest chance of obtaining a preferred appointment time.
First appointments last approximately 25 minutes and are in-person only. You will be required to arrive 15 minutes prior to your scheduled time to complete necessary online documentation. During the appointment, your clinician will discussion your concerns and goals and together you will make a plan for next steps. Possible options for next steps include group therapy, brief individual therapy, referrals to community mental health providers, or referrals to other campus offices.
If you are an existing client at Counseling Services, please contact the Wellness Center at 978-934-6800 and ask to schedule a follow up appointment with your current provider.
If You Are In Crisis
If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, contact the 51视频 on-call clinician 855-890-2879. The on-call clinician is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
To get help in an emergency if you are concerned about the immediate safety of yourself or another person, please contact Campus Police at 978-934-4911.