Students: How To Request Accommodation Letters Video

  1. using your student email address and password.
  2. Click on the "Accommodation" link in the left side menu and select "Semester Request"
  3. To request accommodations for this semester, click the "Add New" button.
  4. Using the drop down menu, select the current semester. You will see your class schedule appear.
  5. Click the button that best fits your needs. You can choose between:
    1. "Submit for all Accommodations" which will send all accommodations to all of your professors. This button completes the process.
    2. "Review The Renewal" which allows you to select which accommodations you want to send to which professor. If you selected to "Review the Renewal", use the check marks to select the courses that you want the accommodations to be sent or use the "Remove Accommodation" button if you do not want an accommodation to be sent. Click "Submit".
  6. You will receive a "Semester Request Received - Under Review" email.
  7. Disability Services will approve your Semester Request., and when this happens, Your letters will be sent to your professors.
  8. An Accommodation Letter will be emailed to your professors and a copy will be emailed to you.
  9. As always, it is important to discuss your accommodations with your faculty as soon as possible.

Requesting Accommodation from Your Professor

Please watch .