NOTE: This process is only for booking a spot in the Testing Center. If you plan to take the exam with the professor, you do not need to follow this process. Work directly with your professor to come up with a plan together.
Before booking a spot in the Testing Center, please familiarize yourself with the Testing Centers rules and procedures on their website.
PDF step-by-step guide with images (pdf)
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- Click the "Testing Room" tab.
- This "Alternative Testing Rooms" page will show you all of your approved booking requests and all of your pending booking requests. To submit a new request, click the "New Booking Request" button.
- NOTE: By default, the system will book the exam for the amount of time that your class is scheduled for. Your extended time accommodation will be added on top that. For example, if you book an exam appointment for your 50 minute class and have a time and a half accommodation, your exam will automatically be booked for 75 minutes.
- Select your course that you have an exam in from the Course drop down menu. The available time slots are now viewable on the right side of the screen. You can narrow down the selections by adjusting the following fields:
- Date range: Narrow the range of dates available that you want to be displayed.
- Time range: Narrow the range of times available that you want to be displayed.
- Final Exam: Only select this option during final exams week. This changes the exam time to 3 hours.
- Override Exam Length: This will override the length of your course your approved accommodation time will be calculated based on the time you choose (for example, if you are approved for time and a half and you choose a length of 10 minutes, your alternative test request will be for 15 minutes). Remember, this will go to your professor for approval.
- Building: Choose between O'Leary or Southwick
- Rooms: Choose between North Testing Center and South Testing Center
- Days of the week: Only show availability for the dates selected.
- When you are finished, click "Refine Results".
- You will now see the available appointments on the right side of the screen. Find the appropriate date and time for your exam and click on the name of the Testing Center where you wish to book.
- IMPORTANT: The expectation is that you will take the exam at the same date and time as the rest of the class. If this will not work for you, it is important to discuss an alternative plan with your professor.
- A pop up box will appear. Enter a name for your exam, like "midterm 1". Also add any notes. It is helpful for the Testing Center to know ahead of time what you are planning to use so they can set up materials ahead of time. Review the page to make sure all of the information is correct and click "Submit Request"
- You will see your newest booking in the "Pending" section. Your request will be sent to your professor for approval. You will receive an email notification whether it has been approved or denied. If denied, please work with the faculty on a new plan.
- You can always come back to this page to check the status of your bookings, as well as cancel or reschedule an existing appointment.
IMPORTANT: Your appointment isn't officially booked until you see your request in the "Approved Booking Requests" section. Follow up with your professor regarding exam planning if needed.