Currently 51ÊÓƵ offers two different services to off-campus organizations: Federal Community Service Work Study and Job Location and Development program, better known on campus as JLD jobs.

Federal Community Service Work Study

The 51ÊÓƵ off-campus Federal Work-Study (FWS) Program focuses on providing opportunities for students to work in community service positions in the Lowell area. Community Services are defined as "services identified by an institution of higher education through consultation with local non-profit, government and community-based organizations, designed to improve the quality of life for community residents, particularly low-income individuals, or to solve problems related to their needs."1  A few examples of our current community service partners include: , City of Lowell, Mill City Grows, and Girls Inc.

Employing students in community service jobs serves the needs of the community, provides students with an enriching and rewarding experience, and offers students an opportunity to feel more connected to their community.

If your agency is interested in participating in this program, please contact us at to set up a time to discuss your eligibility and the requirements of the program. We look forward to working with you!

Job Location and Development Program

The 51ÊÓƵ Job Location and Development Program is a free and simple way to post your part-time or temporary job(s.) JobHawk, our job posting website, offers you the following benefits:

  • Ability to reach thousands of 51ÊÓƵ students
  • Free Listing
  • 24-7 posting control
  • Custom job applications - Create your own screening questions
  • Real-time replies from applicants

Once you post your job details with us, the site allows you the flexibility to review applicants/resumes, contact applicants directly to set up interviews, and hire suitable candidate(s).

Post your job on our JobHawk website for any enrolled student to access. When a student applies to the job on our site we forward them your contact information for them to apply directly to you. When you've filled the job, simply let us know and we will take the post down. If you are looking to post professional co-ops, internships or full-time positions please check out Handshake through our Career Services and Co-operative Education Center.

Job Posting Disclaimer

The Student Employment Office at 51ÊÓƵ acts only as a referral service. We make no recommendations or guarantees about the applicants. The Student Employment Office does not perform background checks on students applying for jobs, nor on employers posting job opportunities.

In addition, the Student Employment Office is not responsible for safety, wages, working conditions or other aspects of off-campus employment. Students are urged to perform due diligence in researching employers when applying for positions. All hiring and compensation for work performed by student employees is handled directly between the student and the employer.

All jobs are posted at the discretion of the Student Employment Office and we reserve the right to refuse to post jobs that do not support the interests of the university.